ROS orocos tutorial
Hi all,
I am currently reviewing Orocos and would like to use it as my control framework. I would like to use ROS as my transport layer so I have found rtt_ros_integration to be to the point.
I have read all the orocos doc I could find, and would like to pratise on the examples, so I have now installed rtt-ros-integration in indigo (under ubuntu 14.04). But it seems that the orocos component manual is no longer up-to-date as it states to use the following command line in order to create an orocos component package rosrun ocl orocreate-pkg HelloWorld
. But this command line outputs an error saying orocreate-pkg
does not exist in package ocl, which is true (I have checked in the said package). The same happens when trying to start the deployer with rosrun ocl deployer-gnulinux
I guess the instructions of the orocos component manual correspond to an old version of the ROS / orocos integration. Hence my question: anyone knows more than I do on the new ways to start orocreate-pkg, the deployer, or the task browser with rtt-ros-integration?
I have run the rtt_ros_examples (the ops version, not the LUA version which looks bugged), but I could not figure out the answer so far...