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No transform from baselink to world

asked 2015-09-15 06:02:02 -0600

boon gravatar image

I am trying to use tum_simulator to map an environment following the example of hector_slam. I added the sensors which are included in hector_slam. And I added the mapping and visualization nodes from hector_slam to tum_simulator launch files. But in rviz, I get the following errors,

Global Status: Fixed Frame [world] does not exist

Robot Model: No transform from [ardrone_base_bottomcam], [ardrone_base_frontcam], [base_link], [bottom_link], [front_link], [sonar_link] to [world]

Map: No transform from [map] to [world]

Camera: No Image received

tf: No transform from [ardrone_base_bottomcam], [ardrone_base_frontcam], [base_footprint], [base_stabilized], [base_link], [bottom_link], [front_link], [nav], [sonar_link] to [world]

How do I solve this problem?

How do I add the missing transform?

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2 Answers

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answered 2015-09-15 16:46:27 -0600

hector_slam should broadcast the world -> odom transform, and the robot's driver (or gazebo in this case) should broadcast odom -> base_link, thus providing a chain from world to base_link. The world frame may not show up immediately before hector_slam has received any data. To see what's going on in rviz, change the global frame to something that exists like odom or base_link.

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answered 2015-09-15 09:38:44 -0600

Zargol gravatar image

You can solve it with static transform, e.g:

    <node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="link1_broadcaster" args="1 0 0 0 0 0 1 /world /map 100" />

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You should use tf2 not tf.

destogl gravatar image destogl  ( 2015-09-15 10:55:02 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2015-09-15 06:02:02 -0600

Seen: 7,294 times

Last updated: Sep 15 '15