rosrun: command not found (indigo)
I am not able to use roscd or rosrun commands. When I try to use rosrun it says rosrun: command not found. I already sourced the setup.bash file. I checked in /opt/ros/indigo/bin and these 2 commands are missing. What can be the problem?
Are you able to run other commands?
Please update your question with information on what OS this is, which version, version of ROS, how you installed ROS (from source, or from debians/rpms) and the exact steps you took that lead to the behaviour that you are seeing.
I have this problem on Ubuntu 14.04 (recently upgraded) 64-bit. Installed ROS indigo using: sudo apt-get installros-indigo-xacro ros-indigo-kdl-parser ros-indigo-common-msgs ros-indigo-tf ros-indigo-tf-conversions ros-indigo-libccd ros-indigo-octomap ros-indigo-resource-retriever ros-indigo-srdfdom.
Sorry I actually found out I was only missing the ros-indigo-rosbash package!