catkin_make package that uses mavros_msgs
Hi, I am working on a package to test the idea of controlling my robot over /mavros/rc_override topic. I made a package via catkin_create_pkg
and added mavros
and mavros_msgs
to the find_packages
part in the CMakeLists.txt and also added both to the package.xml
. Then writing the code and using #include "mavros_msgs/RCIn.h"
as suggested (or with <
and >
After saving and doing the catkin_make
in the catkin workspace root directory, it fails as it says it can not find mavros_msgs
. When I delete that from the package.xml
and CMakeLists.txt
, it falls as it tells me it does not #include "mavros_msgs/RCIn.h"
(same if I use <
and >
As I haven't done much with cmake and catkin I came here to find a solution. I have been searching the internet but couldn't find an example that fits my requirements.
Thanks for your time
Regards, Martin
What you are doing sounds generally reasonable, so the error must lie in the details. Please post the relevant parts of
along with the exact compiler error messages.