„[rospack] Error: no such package beginner_tutorials“
Hi, I'm absolutely new to ROS (and quite new to LINUX).
I installed ROS JADE on Ubuntu 14.04 and did the first three tutorials. In the Tutorial: „Creating a ROS Package“ I'm encountering an error. The command:
rospack depends1 beginner_tutorials
[rospack] Error: no such package beginner_tutorials
My catkin structure is:
hpe@hpe-P5Q-PRO:~/catkin_ws$ ls
beginner_tutorials build devel src
I tried to add the workspace with:
$ . ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
hpe@hpe-P5Q-PRO:~/catkin_ws$ source devel/setup.bash
But with same result.
Any idea what is wrong with my setup?
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