How to use ROS in Eclipse when make eclipse-project did not worked ?
Hi I want to run the beginner_tutorials in Eclipse. I have installed Eclipse for c++ and ROS is working fin, but I can not make the eclipse project! I have copied my beginner tutorial from catkin_ws and past it in Eclipse's workspace then when I try to make it (by following this side ) I get this message: ~/workspace/beginner_tutorials$ make eclipse-project
make: *** No rule to make target
eclipse-project'. Stop.`
How can I fix this problem ?
Edit: thanks @ahendrix and @emersonfs for guidance. But unfortunately I did not have success. It mention that "Now you can import your project as existing project into workspace" !
- Should I copy the beginner_tutorials folder from /catkin_ws/build and past it in Eclipse Workspace, open Eclipse and import the beginner_tutorials project ? Or
- Should I open Eclipse and then import the project from the /catkin_ws/build ?
@RosUser: please don't post answers unless you actually want to answer a question. For updates / to tell us what you've tried, please use the edit button/link. I've already merged your update into your question for you.
As to your new question: it's option 2: import them, never copy.