rgbdslam_v2 not receiving any video stream from Realsense R200
I'm trying to use a Realsense R200 camera to generate 3-D maps. For this purpose, I have the realsense_r200_nodelet running on $ROS_MASTER_URI like so
roslaunch realsense_camera realsense_r200_nodelet_standalone_manual.launch color_fps:=30 color_height:=480 color_width:=640 depth_fps:=30 depth_height:=480 depth_width:=640
I have rgbdslam running on a separate machine. I run it like so
roslaunch rgbdslam rgbdslam.launch
Unfortunately, I don't see any video being captured on the GUI that comes up. I have updated the rgbdslam.launch file to have the right values for the config parameters. The relevant ones are as shown below
<param name="config/topic_image_mono" value="/camera/color/image_raw"/>
<param name="config/topic_image_depth" value="/camera/depth/image_raw"/>
<param name="config/topic_points" value="/camera/depth/points"/>
<param name="config/base_frame_name" value="/camera_link"/>
<param name="config/camera_info_topic" value="/camera/color/camera_info"/>
I have confirmed using rviz that my machine does receive video stream from the Realsense camera. Does anyone have any pointers on what I might be doing wrong to not receive anything on the rgbdslam GUI.
Did you check that you are receiving both rgb and depth stream ? Are you sure that your rgb topic is
? It seems to me that the default was/camera/rgb/image_color
.Yeah, I'm receiving both the rgb and depth streams (checked with rviz). I changed the topic to /camera/color/image_raw because that it is the one on which Realsense sends the rgb stream (it works when used with rviz).
Ok. Which versions of
and of the realsense ROS driver are you using ? I would try settingconfig/topic_points
. As specified in the launch file : "if empty, poincloud will be reconstructed from image and depth"I'm using
(repo) and Intel's package for Realsense (repo). I'm trying what you suggested and it does seem to work. It is just too slow right now.The performance can be linked to a number of different factors, you might want to create another ticket for it. If this works I will post it as an answer.