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Will the denso package work with the rc7 contoller?

asked 2016-04-26 16:53:03 -0500

AustinWhitesell gravatar image

updated 2016-04-26 21:23:20 -0500

Hello all,

We are trying to use the Denso package to control a VP5243g robot and an RC7M contoller. We have a model of the robot, and we can even launch the Denso simulation files using that model.

When we try to connect to the controller, we get an error saying it couldn't connect to the robot over b-Cap. We have set the IP address of the host computer, as well as that of the controller. Is there something we might be missing to enable control of the RC7M controller from ros?

Update: Now the issue is that there is an error that cannot be cleared. Is there something in the denso_controller package that is hard coded for the vs060 that must be changed in order to use with the vp5243?

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answered 2016-04-28 01:43:48 -0500

130s gravatar image

Is there something in the denso_controller package that is hard coded for the vs060 that must be changed in order to use with the vp5243?

I guess you're partly right; default IP address is hardcoded in denso_controller/src/main.cpp. But it's configurable in launch files e.g. `denso_vs060_startup_skelton.launch. Try running:

roslaunch denso_launch denso_vs060_startup_skelton.launch controller_ip:=%IP_YOUR_CONTROLLERHOST%

By the way vp5243 is not tested with the denso pkg AFAIK. If it works fine, it'd be greatly appreciated if you could report on github (assuming you're using the packages from there).

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Asked: 2016-04-26 16:53:03 -0500

Seen: 301 times

Last updated: Apr 28 '16