I've actually wrote a planner that does something similar, so I'll post the code for the initialize
and makePlan
methods for you, or anyone that is interested. It's nothing too sophisticated, but it works for just following a loop. By following the tutorial for writing a global planner you should be able to fill in the header file and create the plugin.
The initialize
method loads a tab delineated text file with X and Y coordinates for the path you want to follow, and stores this as the path.
The parameters that get loaded are for setting the filename of the text file with coordinates, the package it resides in, and also how far apart points are spaced in your text file, and how far ahead you want to generate the plan. If planning_distance_
is negative, then it will generate a plan for the entire loop (minus 0.5m, otherwise move_base
will think its reached its goal).
void LoopPlanner::initialize(std::string name, costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS* costmap_ros){
costmap_ros_ = costmap_ros;
ros::NodeHandle private_nh("~/" + name);
// Get parameters
private_nh.param("pt_spacing", pt_spacing_, 0.01);
private_nh.param("planning_distance", planning_distance_, 2.0);
if (!private_nh.getParam("path_filename", path_filename_)){
ROS_ERROR("Failed to get param 'path_filename'. A text file with coordinates is necessary for this planner to run.");
}// end if
if (!private_nh.getParam("path_package", path_package_)){
ROS_ERROR("Failed to get param 'path_package'. This is necessary in order to find the path file.");
}// end if
// Set inputted file name and path
std::string full_file = ros::package::getPath(path_package_) + "/" + path_filename_;
// Load file
std::ifstream is(full_file.c_str());
std::istream_iterator<double> start(is), end;
std::vector<double> data(start, end);
// Resize vectors appropriately
int columns = 2;
num_pts_ = data.size()/columns;
// Sort data columns into vectors
for (int i =0 ; i < num_pts_ ; i++){
path_x_[i] = data[columns*i];
path_y_[i] = data.at(columns*i+1);
}// end for
initialized_ = true;
ROS_INFO("Created global_planner loop_planner");
ROS_INFO("Loaded path file");
ROS_WARN("This planner has already been initialized... doing nothing");
}// end initialize
Then in the makePlan
method it finds the closest point on the path to the starting point, then builds the plan from there. It doesn't check if any of the points are valid in the costmap, since for my use I always knew they were valid.
bool LoopPlanner::makePlan(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& start,
const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& goal, std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& plan){
// Check the initialization
ROS_ERROR("The planner has not been initialized, please call initialize() to use the planner");
return false;
}// end if
// Make sure the plan vector is empty
// Check if goal and costmap frame ID's match
if(goal.header.frame_id != costmap_ros_->getGlobalFrameID()){
ROS_ERROR("This planner as configured will only accept goals in the %s frame, but a goal was sent in the %s frame.",
costmap_ros_->getGlobalFrameID().c_str(), goal.header.frame_id.c_str());
return false;
}// end if
ROS_DEBUG("Starting path generation");
ROS_DEBUG("Finding closest point on path");
// Create vectors to hold the difference to each point
std::vector ...
According to your new edit: the issue is not related to your original question, but it is much more concerned with: how to compile a package from source. If you cannot see the parameter, you do not have Version 0.4 properly installed. Of course, you shouldn't have two copies of the package at once.
Here is a similar question to the missing version. It still takes some time until new packages are synchronized in ROS.
You can find information on how to compile from source here. Delete any duplicate teb_local_planner package first! If you want to be 100% sure, also invoke
sudo apt-get remove ros-indigo-teb-local-planner