IMU_node doesn't work with 3dm-gx3-25, indigo, ubuntu 14.04
Hi, guys, I saw that this Imu_node worked with 3dm-gx3-25 in fuerte, now I am trying to use it with indigo, under Ubuntu 1404, but doesn't work.
when I run
roslaunch microstrain_3dmgx2_imu microstrain_3dmgx2.launch
error is :
* /microstrain_3dmgx2_node/angular_velocity_stdev: 0.00017
* /microstrain_3dmgx2_node/autocalibrate: True
* /microstrain_3dmgx2_node/autostart: True
* /microstrain_3dmgx2_node/frameid: imu
* /microstrain_3dmgx2_node/port: /dev/tty0
* /microstrain_3dmgx2_node/time_offset: -0.04
* /rosdistro: indigo
* /rosversion: 1.11.16
[ERROR] [1462778064.984122077]: Exception thrown while starting IMU. This sometimes happens if you are not connected to an IMU or if another process is trying to access the IMU port. You may try 'lsof|grep /dev/tty0' to see if other processes have the port open. timeout reached (in microstrain_3dmgx2_imu::IMU:read_with_timeout) You may find further details at
I tried to run lsof|grep /dev/tty0, and it shows:
mech-user@test1-pc:~$ lsof | grep /dev/tty0
imu_node 7344 mech-user 9uW CHR 4,0 0t0 1038 /dev/tty0
imu_node 7344 7360 mech-user 9uW CHR 4,0 0t0 1038 /dev/tty0
imu_node 7344 7361 mech-user 9uW CHR 4,0 0t0 1038 /dev/tty0
imu_node 7344 7362 mech-user 9uW CHR 4,0 0t0 1038 /dev/tty0
imu_node 7344 7367 mech-user 9uW CHR 4,0 0t0 1038 /dev/tty0
and if I kill one of these 5, the node will be killed, so the solution in troubleshooting doesn't match this problem. any helps?