RGBDSLAM v2 on Kinect v2: No devices connected, waiting for devices to be connected
I'm trying to run RGBDSLAM v2 with Kinect v2.
After sucessfully building, roslaunch rgbdslam openni+rgbdslam.launch
resulted in the program running correctly, but there are no images coming from the Kinect v2. On the error output, it says:
process[rgbdslam-26]: started with pid [7843]
Initializing Node...
[ INFO] [1463623928.121529730]: Connected to roscore
[ INFO] [1463623928.405880762]: Using ORB keypoint detector.
[ INFO] [1463623928.405991250]: Using gridded keypoint detector with 3x3 cells, keeping 900 keypoints in total.
[ INFO] [1463623928.406055834]: Using adjusted keypoint detector with 5 maximum iterations, keeping the number of keypoints between 67 and 100
[ INFO] [1463623928.444573891]: Listening to /camera/rgb/image_color and /camera/depth_registered/sw_registered/image_rect_raw
[ INFO] [1463623931.311227274]: No devices connected.... waiting for devices to be connected
The last line repeated as the program stays running.
Seems like although test programs that come with Kinect drivers have recognized the Kinect v2 correctly, the program RGBDSLAM hasn't yet.
Protonect or NiViewer2 run OK and output RGB images and depth images, although it's left-right mirrored, and NiViewer2's output screen's lower half is black. However NiViewer doesn't recognize Kinect and outputs:
~$ NiViewer
One or more of the following nodes could not be enumerated:
Device: PrimeSense/SensorKinect/ The device is not connected!
Device: PrimeSense/SensorV2/ The device is not connected!
Device: PrimeSense/SensorV2/ The device is not connected!
Device: PrimeSense/SensorKinect/ The device is not connected!
Device: PrimeSense/SensorV2/ The device is not connected!
Device: PrimeSense/SensorV2/ The device is not connected!
Device: PrimeSense/SensorKinect/ The device is not connected!
Device: PrimeSense/SensorV2/ The device is not connected!
Device: PrimeSense/SensorV2/ The device is not connected!
Press any key to continue . . .
outputs 3 Microsoft Corp.
at the 3 USB ports corresponding to the USB slot Kinect v2 is plugged in.
I have tested with the patch avin2 ( https://github.com/avin2/SensorKinect ) but that didn't make RGBDSLAM v2 recognize the Kinect v2 (maybe that caused multiple identical lines in the NiViewer output above).
I want to ask how I can solve or can get to know mor about this error? Why is NiViewer2 and Protonect uses the Kinect v2 correctly but RGBDSLAM doesn't?