rtabmap_ros how to set odometry and camera?
i try to xtion, kobuki(2 wheel mobile robot).
i read http://wiki.ros.org/rtabmap_ros/Tutor... .
and apply my launch.
i modify rgbd_mapping.launch.and program work normally.
<arg name="subscribe_scan" default="true"/> <!-- Assuming 2D scan if set, rtabmap will do 3DoF mapping instead of 6DoF -->
<arg name="scan_topic" default="/kinect_scan"/>
<arg name="subscribe_scan_cloud" default="false"/> <!-- Assuming 3D scan if set -->
<arg name="scan_cloud_topic" default="/scan_cloud"/>
<arg name="visual_odometry" default="false"/> <!-- Generate visual odometry -->
<arg name="odom_topic" default="/odom"/> <!-- Odometry topic used if visual_odometry is false -->
<!-- Kinect cloud to laser scan 11cm 16cm-->
<node pkg="depthimage_to_laserscan" type="depthimage_to_laserscan" name="depthimage_to_laserscan">
<remap from="image" to="/camera/depth_registered/image_raw"/>
<remap from="camera_info" to="/camera/depth_registered/camera_info"/>
<remap from="scan" to="/kinect_scan"/>
<param name="range_max" type="double" value="4"/>
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="odom_camera_tf" args="0.11 0 0.16 0 0 0 1 /base_footprint /camera_link 100" />
but result is strange.
first. set my xtion from robot ( 0.11cm, 0, 0.16cm) so i add tf broadcaster.
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="odom_camera_tf" args="0.11 0 0.16 0 0 0 1 /base_footprint /camera_link 100"/>
result is below link.
1.point cloud and map cloud is different.
is the result normal??
2.map is bad when robot turn a round and go to origin.
full launch file.
<!-- Your RGB-D sensor should be already started with "depth_registration:=true".
$ roslaunch freenect_launch freenect.launch depth_registration:=true
$ roslaunch openni2_launch openni2.launch depth_registration:=true -->
<!-- Choose visualization -->
<arg name="rviz" default="false" />
<arg name="rtabmapviz" default="true" />
<!-- Localization-only mode -->
<arg name="localization" default="false"/>
<!-- Corresponding config files -->
<arg name="rtabmapviz_cfg" default="-d $(find rtabmap_ros)/launch/config/rgbd_gui.ini" />
<arg name="rviz_cfg" default="-d $(find rtabmap_ros)/launch/config/rgbd.rviz" />
<arg name="frame_id" default="camera_link"/> <!-- Fixed frame id, you may set "base_link" or "base_footprint" if they are published -->
<arg name="time_threshold" default="0"/> <!-- (ms) If not 0 ms, memory management is used to keep processing time on this fixed limit. -->
<arg name="optimize_from_last_node" default="false"/> <!-- Optimize the map from the last node. Should be true on multi-session mapping and when time threshold is set -->
<arg name="database_path" default="~/.ros/rtabmap.db"/>
<arg name="rtabmap_args" default=""/> <!-- delete_db_on_start, udebug -->
<arg name="launch_prefix" default=""/> <!-- for debugging purpose, it fills launch-prefix tag of the nodes -->
<arg name="rgb_topic" default="/camera/rgb/image_rect_color" />
<arg name="depth_registered_topic" default="/camera/depth_registered/image_raw" />
<arg name="camera_info_topic" default="/camera/rgb/camera_info" />
<arg name="compressed" default="false"/>
<arg name="convert_depth_to_mm" default="true"/>
**<arg name="subscribe_scan" default="true"/> <!-- Assuming 2D scan if set, rtabmap will do 3DoF mapping instead of 6DoF -->
<arg name="scan_topic" default="/kinect_scan"/>**
<arg name="subscribe_scan_cloud" default="false"/> <!-- Assuming 3D scan if set -->
<arg name="scan_cloud_topic" default="/scan_cloud"/>
<arg name="visual_odometry" default="false"/> <!-- Generate visual odometry -->
<arg name="odom_topic" default="/odom"/> <!-- Odometry topic used if visual_odometry is false -->
<arg name="namespace" default="rtabmap"/>
<arg name="wait_for_transform" default="0.2"/>
<!-- Kinect cloud to laser scan 11cm 16cm-->
<node pkg="depthimage_to_laserscan ...