Can a sequence of nodes be run in SMACH, behavior trees, or similar?
I am looking for a solution to the idea of creating a state machine as a sequence of nodes, or a sequence of concurrent nodes. Where the nodes, could be nodes of any type that a user has created.
SMACH/pi-trees/flexbe, out-of-the box seems to work with actionlib, services, topic monitoring. But what if you want to take an FSM and do as follows:
state1 (node1) -> state 2(node 2) -> state3(node3)
, while checking some kind of transition checking.
Or perhaps running nodes concurrently:
state1 (node1,node2) -> state 2(node3, node4) -> state3(node5)
, this would also be similar to having each state call a launch file....
Did you find a solution/workaround for your question? If yes, Please add a comment. I am looking something similar to your question.
Generally speaking, it is preferred to launch all the needed nodes together during startup. Each node can then be "activated" or "deactivated" by using ROS topics or services rather than launching nodes dynamically during runtime.