Quaternion to Euler angle convention in TF
In reference to this question , the desired conversion is the opposite direction. That is using tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion function, taking the result from robot_localization of /odometry/filtered topic, my attempt is to unravel the quaternion from the ENU convention to NED convention. The end result should be pitch, yaw, and roll using the aviation (NED) convention.
My interpretation is that one must first change back (from ROS ENU) the signs of y and z, followed by “unwinding” the quaternion to euler from 'rzyx' to 'rxyz' per the documentation for euler_from_quaternion definition and the question response: “q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(yaw, pitch, roll, 'rzyx')”
My question: Is my interpretation correct? Any insight is greatly appreciated.