Config and test rosemacs
So, through some miracle I installed roslisp and rosemacs... I think (it´s kinetic). What I´d really like to do is test it. I´ve never used emacs and lisp before but I hear it´s the best development environment ever. Where do I start? How do I know if emacs is configured to connect to (or start ) a lisp session?
Any advice is appreciated.
===== Update after last reply =========== Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of getting emacs to talk to SBCL with the ROS configuration through slime. Not the internal emacs lisp. I did have some success with this. I edited the .emacs file in home directory to include this:
(add-to-list 'load-path "/opt/ros/kinetic/share/emacs/site-lisp") ;; or whatever your install space is + "/share/emacs/site-lisp" (require 'rosemacs-config).
It added some interesting ros-related buffers to emacs. I´m till trying to figure out slime and connecting to sbcl
======== Update after Gaya´s suggestion to just do rosrun roslisp_repl roslisp_repl ========
Yes. I tried this earlier but couldn´t get roslisp_repl to install. HOWEVER, it finally ALMOST installed. I discovered that nothing (like knowrob) is properly installing (catkin making) on my system because rosjava didn´t come with the kinetic installation. Nor is there any way to install it, that I can see. There is not even a kinetic rosjava installation available from source:
wstool init -j4 ~/rosjava/src Using initial elements from: ERROR in config: Unable to download URL [ ]: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
So, it looks like I may be screwed here. If everything requires rosjava and there is no rosjava available for kinetic... well... punt.
You followed the setup instructions for non-lisp developers of rosemacs. What you should try instead is the instructions for lisp developers. You can simply try to
rosrun roslisp_repl roslisp_repl
and that will start the lisp shell in an Emacs. There are also roslisp tutorials around, try those. .