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Having problems with velodyne VLP-16 and ros

asked 2016-09-25 13:55:36 -0500

Mortivor gravatar image

updated 2016-10-06 05:14:47 -0500

Hi, I'm new to ROS and Linux so my question may be very stupid. Sorry for that.

I want to connect VLP-16 and laptop (in fact i need to connect it with raspberry pi, but i first wanna try it on laptop). I tryed to use tutorial "Getting Started with the Velodyne HDL-32E". I wasn't surprise that I fail with it. So I tryed to solve problems in different ways but i didn't succeed. So i decide to write post here.

Maybe i should solve problems step by step.

So. Could someone explain how should I work with velodyne driver and VLP-16 and how can I find out my VPL-16 ip on Ubuntu?

I use Ubuntu 12 and ros "fuerte". On raspberry I would use "indigo" instead.

Thanks and sorry for my bad english.

Hi again. Ty for your help. Now i build velodyne_driver from source but I still don't scceed.

First in tutorial "Getting Started with the Velodyne HDL-32E" I need to do that steps:

Power the LIDAR via the included adapter Connect the LIDAR to an Ethernet port on your computer. Statically assign an IP to this port in the 192.168.3.x range.

sudo ifconfig eth0

Add a static route to the LIDAR's IP address. The IP address can be found on the CD case which was included with the LIDAR.

 sudo route add 192.168.XX.YY eth0

How could I find what XX and YY should be? I don't have any CD included.

And after that. How could I know are my ip settings set correctly (look any data on my laptop recived by VLP-16)?


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3 Answers

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answered 2016-10-06 05:34:14 -0500

jodafo gravatar image

updated 2016-10-06 05:34:59 -0500

As far as I know the standard address of the VLP-16 is So what I'd do is:

sudo ifconfig eth0 up

sudo ip addr add dev eth0

sudo route add -net netmask dev eth0

Afterwards you should have access to the vlps webinterface via your browser. Then run the vlp driver, and make sure the rpms set in driver and webinterface match.

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I did all as you recommend. After that I tryed to enter in my browser or and it said that it "Unable to connect".

Mortivor gravatar image Mortivor  ( 2016-10-18 05:47:37 -0500 )edit

saw in your other topic that you are using a vm. That would have been valueable information ;).

jodafo gravatar image jodafo  ( 2016-10-20 07:40:37 -0500 )edit

answered 2016-09-25 17:55:15 -0500

kmhallen gravatar image

From the wiki: Support for the VLP-16 was added in indigo, but it hasn't made it into the apt-get binaries yet. There is a tutorial on building from source.

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answered 2017-06-20 23:52:22 -0500

M@t gravatar image

updated 2017-06-20 23:54:23 -0500

I'm late to the party again, but if anyone else is unsure what IP address the HDL/VLP is, you have two methods:

  1. Get the IP from the MAC ID: On the bottom of every Velodyne product is a MAC ID. The last four Hex digits map to the IP address of the device. Say for example, you have a device with the MAC ID 76:60:88:20:11:9B and you want to find an IP address of the form 192.168.XX.YY. The "11" maps to XX and "9B" maps to YY. All you need to do is convert them to decimal, i.e. 11 Hex = 17 Decimal and 9B Hex = 155 decimal. So the default IP address will be However, if the default IP of your device has been changed this will not work and you will need to use the second method...
  2. View the source IP in WireShark: Download WireShark, plug your device into your computer via Ethernet cable and watch the LAN connection. Velodyne LiDAR devices output their data as UDP packets and you can see them over the LAN connection regardless of the network settings of your computer. The UDP packets are usually so numerous that they flood the display, like this:


    Notice that each packet has a "source" and a "destination" IP address. The source IP is the current IP address of your LiDAR unit, and that's the address you want. The destination IP is fixed and will be the same for every device, just ignore it.

Once you have the source IP of the device you should be able to follow the instructions on the Velodyne drivers page here.

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Asked: 2016-09-25 13:55:36 -0500

Seen: 6,694 times

Last updated: Jun 20 '17