rviz is not publishing goal to the topic /move_base_simple/goal
I am setting up ros navigation stack on a robot that is not compatible with navigation stack out of the box. I am not using a static map for the navigation instead i have set the rolling_window parameters true for both global and local cost maps.
(I am not allowed to attach images so i will try my best to describe my situation in words.)
My rviz Screen shows the following objects
- local and global costmaps
- robot footprint.
- "2D Nav Goal" tool is pointing to /move_base_simple/goal.
$ rostopic info /move_base_simple/goal
Publishers: * /rviz_1478194899883990323 ( )
Subscribers: * /move_base ( )
$ rostopic info /cmd_vel
Publishers: * /move_base ( )
Subscribers: * /beam/beam ( )
- When I set a goal in rviz using "2D Nav Goal" tool, the terminal window of rviz shows the following information.
INFO [1478195397.235377567]: Setting goal: Frame:base_link, Position(0.558, -0.039, 0.000), Orientation(0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000) = Angle: 0.000
In another terminal window i have following command running "rostopic echo /move_base_simple/goal"
In another terminal window i have following command running "rostopic echo /cmd_vel"
My problem is that when I set a goal in rviz screen i do not see anything published to /move_base_simple/goal or /cmd_vel topics.
Are you running rviz on the same machine that rosmaster is running on?
Yes. I was running rviz on a different machine. The problem was that on my rviz machine ROS_HOSTNAME parameter was pointing to the ip address of ros master.