Raspberry pi 3 vs Jetson TK1 for ROS
I have ROS running on a number of Rasp' Pi's - and I was looking at the much more expensive nVidia Jetson TK1...then I started thinking relative to a RPi 3 was am I really going to benefit from (In the base case at least)?
I've found a few comparisons ( http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page... ) but I wondered if anyone had any other info/actually using it on ROS - what is like?
This is just looking at the CPU side - is there anything ROS optimised to take advantage of the GPUs for example (Cuda et al)
I know Autonomous are selling the TK1 with the Kobuki base ( http://www.cnx-software.com/2016/01/2... ).
Of course there is always the TX1 $£$