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Publishing Odom and tf information from Arduino

asked 2016-12-29 02:03:50 -0500

kartikmadhira1 gravatar image

I'm using an Arduino as my controller for getting the encoder ticks. This way I'm calculating the Vx , Vy(=0, since it's is a non-holonomic robot) and omega_r using the kinematics of differential robots as stated in an answer here

I'm going through the navigation stack on odometry and I have the following questions to ask:

  1. Do I have to calculate the odometry information from Arduino and directly publish it to the odom topic? Or,
  2. Make a node to subscribe to the messages published by the Arduino, and then publish both nav_msgs/odometry and transform data over ROS?
  3. Make a node to subscribe to the messages published by the Arduino, and then publish both nav_msgs/odometry and transform data over ROS?
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It seem like we're working in similar project, can you give me any account you have to discuss the project in the future ..? sorry to say this here ..

jafar_abdi gravatar image jafar_abdi  ( 2016-12-29 05:10:07 -0500 )edit
kartikmadhira1 gravatar image kartikmadhira1  ( 2016-12-29 05:23:13 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2022-10-03 04:03:19 -0500

Kostas Tzias gravatar image

From my experience ,i couldn't publish odom data directly from arduino mega2560 .

Actually i was able to see the tf tree that i made (map->odom->base_link->laser) but after a few messages the tf tree broke into two different trees (map->odom and base_link->laser ). Then i figured out that the trasnform between odom and base_link was not stable . Soo knowing that the only transform between odom and base_link was provided by arduino i decided to create a new node (c++ code ) that takes in encoder data compute them and then spit out odometry data .

Since then i dont have any problems with the tf tree splitting and my mapping process is really stable . I hope i helped .I am kinda new to this (about 6 months rookie ) but i solved my kind of problem which was that the process of mapping was stopping after a few seconds since it started

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Asked: 2016-12-29 02:03:50 -0500

Seen: 961 times

Last updated: Oct 03 '22