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Moveit "Fail: ABORTED: Catastrophic failure"

asked 2017-02-24 12:53:31 -0500

craigc gravatar image

Running the moveit planning interface creates the above message the message is generated at line 133 of this file

The configuration files for moveit are found here:

For running the project I am using roslaunch scorbot_config demo.launch rosrun sac_translators scorbot_moveit

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1 Answer

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answered 2021-05-08 23:04:26 -0500

Alice_ly gravatar image

Maybe it's because that you didn't add the kinematics solver; run Moveit setup assistant with your package :

roslaunch myrobot_moveit_config setup_assistant.launch

planning group——>manipilator——>kinematics solver turn none to kdl/trac_ik or other kinematics solver

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Asked: 2017-02-24 12:53:31 -0500

Seen: 1,213 times

Last updated: May 08 '21