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Python version of tf functions

asked 2017-04-04 05:51:15 -0500

RohitM gravatar image

updated 2017-04-04 05:55:17 -0500


I am trying to transform a velocity from one frame to another. I want to use the transformVector3 function as mentioned in this link. Since it requires a StampedVector I am trying to convert the datatype using the function tf::vector3StampedMsgtoTF. I am writing my node in Python but I cannot find the Python version of the above tf functions anywhere.

Any help will be much appreciated.

ps. Does using tf2 avoid the explicit conversion of a geometry message to TF datatypes?

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1 Answer

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answered 2017-04-05 04:20:24 -0500

lindzey gravatar image

updated 2017-04-05 04:21:07 -0500

I don't know about the website's documentation, but you can find the code for the python implementation of tf here, and it's easy enough to look for vector3.

Alternatively, if you open up a REPL, it's easy to see what functions are available. In ipython, start by importing the listener: from tf import TransformListener. Then type TransformListener. (don't forget the trailing period) and hit tab. You'll get a list of all possible completions. Pick the one you want to know more about, and type help(TransformListener.transformVector3). Voila - there's your documentation.

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Asked: 2017-04-04 05:51:15 -0500

Seen: 317 times

Last updated: Apr 05 '17