voxel_grid filter in all dimensions
I would like to filter point clouds in x, y, and z. I see from the tutorials and examples how to downsample with limits on a single axis. How can I downsample with limits on all three axes? Do I have to run three instances of voxel_grid, with one feeding into the other?
Here is an example launch file that limits in the z axis:
<!-- Run a VoxelGrid filter to clean NaNs and downsample the data -->
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="voxel_grid" args="load pcl/VoxelGrid pcl_manager" output="screen">
<remap from="~input" to="/multisense/camera/points2" />
filter_field_name: z
filter_limit_min: 0.1
filter_limit_max: 2.0
filter_limit_negative: False
leaf_size: 0.08