How to use GetModelState service from Gazebo in python
Hi, I'm actually working on Baxter robot with gazebo and I wanted to get the model state of cubes I create, so I made this method :
def show_gazebo_models(self):
model_coordinates = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/get_model_state', GetModelState)
for block in self._blockListDict.itervalues():
blockName = "block_" + str(block._name)
resp_coordinates = model_coordinates(blockName, "model")
print("Cube " + str(block._name))
print("Valeur de X : " + str(resp_coordinates.pose.position.x))
print("Quaternion X : " + str(resp_coordinates.pose.orientation.x))
except rospy.ServiceException as e:
rospy.loginfo("Get Model State service call failed: {0}".format(e))
But this returns 0.00 for each print I made. In documentation GetModelState needs two arguments : model_name and relative_entity_name and I don't know what I need to use for the second argument. (For model_name it's block_a for the first one, block_b for the second, etc)
If the model's name is "unit_sphere" and it has a link name "link", then try this.
rosservice call gazebo/get_model_state '{model_name: unit_sphere, relative_entity_name: "unit_sphere::link"}'