RTAB-MAP with xtion, rplidar, turtelbot (how to utilize lidar internally)
I have question about building 3D map with RTAB-MAP and lidar.
As far as I know, RTAB-MAP is SLAM based on image-features and performs loop closure using features.
3D mapping on RTAB-MAP with turtlebot, xtion is good.
But, my robot has additionally lidar and I want to utilize lidar.
I read the questions about build 3d map.
I think that my situation is similar below.
My questions are below.
How do you use additional lidar internally in RTAB-MAP?
1-1.For improving quality of map, how to use lidar in RTAB-MAP?
I think this system for utilizing lidar and improving quality of map.
I wonder my method is good or not.
I think below system is using all sensors, so it can make good 3D map.
This link is system image I thought. link text
Thank you for reading questions.