As mentioned above, one solution is to read the current joint values, build a dictionary of "joint names" vs "current joint angles", modify the ones you need, then send to moveit for planning and execution, here a python example of how to do it (for our robot):
#!/usr/bin/env python3
example on how to control specific arm joints with moveit
import sys
import rospy
import moveit_commander
rospy.init_node('move_joints_test', anonymous=False)
rospy.loginfo('waiting for move_group action server')
robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander()
# robot.arm.set_planning_time(20.0)
# robot.arm.set_goal_tolerance(0.01)
rospy.loginfo('found move_group action server')
except RuntimeError:
# moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize overwrites the signal handler,
# so if a RuntimeError occurs here, we have to manually call
# signal_shutdown() in order for the node to properly exit.
rospy.logfatal('could not connect to Moveit in time, exiting! \n')
rospy.signal_shutdown('fatal error')
# to test if arm and moveit work
#arm_posture_name = 'observe100cm_right'
# give only the arm joints that we want to affect, NOTE: for some reason this does not work!
#arm_dic = {'mobipick/ur5_shoulder_pan_joint':-1.25, 'mobipick/ur5_elbow_joint':1.8}
# get current joint angles
joint_states = robot.arm.get_current_state().joint_state
arm_joints_dic = {}
joints_of_interest = ['mobipick/ur5_shoulder_pan_joint', 'mobipick/ur5_shoulder_lift_joint', 'mobipick/ur5_elbow_joint', 'mobipick/ur5_wrist_1_joint', 'mobipick/ur5_wrist_2_joint', 'mobipick/ur5_wrist_3_joint']
for joint_of_interest in joints_of_interest:
# find index
for i, joint_name in enumerate(
if joint_of_interest == joint_name:
# print(f'{joint_of_interest}:{joint_states.position[i]}') # uncomment for debug purposes
arm_joints_dic[joint_of_interest] = joint_states.position[i]
# rospy.logwarn(f'current arm state: {robot.arm.get_current_state().joint_state}')
# modify required joints
arm_joints_dic['mobipick/ur5_shoulder_pan_joint'] = -1.25
arm_joints_dic['mobipick/ur5_elbow_joint'] = 1.8