This part of the tutorial means you need to use a terminal to navigate to the top level directory of your workspace then run catkin_make
For example if you have a workspace directory called my_project_ws inside your home directory you can open a terminal and type the following command to move to the workspace.
cd ~/my_project_ws
If you type the ls
command (short for list) it will show the contents of this directory which should contain a src directory and possibly some other directories and files. Now you're in the right location you can build your package by typing:
Hope this clears this up for you.
Please state more clearly what your Problem is. Don't you understand what this means or is there a Problem with the build?
My workspace is catkin_ws I use two commands cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make After that I use rosrun using_markers basic _shapes where using_markers is package name and i want to run basic_shapes. But I am getting error, [WARN] Please create a subscriber to the marker