RGBDSLAM sum of covariances not invertible
I'm trying to use RGBDSLAM on bag file data. After start of processing there is a lot of errors in terminal like this:
[ERROR] [1329932176.311416364]: Sum of Covariances not invertible: inf inf -inf inf inf -inf -inf -inf inf [ERROR] [1329932176.311986136]: Sum of Covariances not invertible: inf inf -inf inf inf -inf -inf -inf infWhat is wrong?
My launchfile: http://pastebin.com/n8nuKnXD
Info of used bag file:
path: 2012-02-17-12-09-16.bag version: 2.0 duration: 6:00s (360s) start: Feb 17 2012 12:09:16.69 (1329476956.69) end: Feb 17 2012 12:15:16.73 (1329477316.73) size: 18.1 GB messages: 95096 compression: none [17979/17979 chunks] types: geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped [953b798c0f514ff060a53a3498ce6246] geometry_msgs/Twist [9f195f881246fdfa2798d1d3eebca84a] nav_msgs/Odometry [cd5e73d190d741a2f92e81eda573aca7] sensor_msgs/CameraInfo [c9a58c1b0b154e0e6da7578cb991d214] sensor_msgs/Image [060021388200f6f0f447d0fcd9c64743] tf/tfMessage [94810edda583a504dfda3829e70d7eec] topics: /camera/depth/camera_info 8991 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera/depth/image_raw 8991 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera/rgb/camera_info 9000 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera/rgb/image_color 9000 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera/rgb/image_mono 9000 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera/rgb/image_raw 9000 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /cmd_vel 1530 msgs : geometry_msgs/Twist /odom 3601 msgs : nav_msgs/Odometry /robot_pose_ekf/odom 3600 msgs : geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped /tf 32383 msgs : tf/tfMessage (7 connections)
Thanks for any hints.
I've added this line to the code:
RGBDSlam is running for some time but then it crashes...
Logfile is here: http://mysharegadget.com/144891718
And also log file: http://mysharegadget.com/571660235