managing clockwise laserscan
Hello ROS community, I'm an hobbist, ROS enthusiast and this is my first question on this community.
I've successfully created a small lidar equipment(based on VL53L0X sensor + ESP8266 +stepper motor, without slipring ) and the relevant ROS node (kinetic) publishing sensor_msgs::LaserScan messages.
The motion is given by a stepping motor going alternatively CW and CCW (for a range of 270 deg limited by a couple of end-switches). Unfortunately VL53L0X acquisition time is around 23mSec, limiting scanning speed to less than 1 Hz (unless reducing scan_msg->ranges_length).
Currently,the scan/acquisition phase is limited to Countrclowise motion, but I'd like to increase scan cycle frequency (i.e. to reduce scan_msg->scan_time) , exploiting also the returning phase of motor, when it is moving clockwise.
My question is if is it possible to correctly send a scan message derived from an acquisition phase made when the motor is moving in clockwise direction.
It is not a problem to reverse the sensor data array (scan_msg->ranges[i]) , but what about time? (samples successive in time cannot be placed in the past). Is there any solution or CW sampling is definitively not allowed? Thank you in advance.