tf tree setup
I am new to ros and I want to use the robot_localization package to estimate the state of my real-life 2D robot and then use the navigation package to navigate the robot. My question is if the robot_localization package already provide a tf tree or do I have to set it up by myself? I am using Python to build my files. I already followed the TF-tutorials for Python but I am still confused how to set up the tree. I understand you have a broadcaster and a listener but how can I connect the frames provided by the robot_localization package? When launching "ekf_template.launch" and then doing "rosrun tf view_frames" i get "no tf data received". In the navigation package, there is a map provided by the map_server.
Kind regards, Stef
You have multiple questions here. You should edit this question or break it into several different ones...
You "setup" the tf tree within the urdf of your robot specifying all its joints and links then the node
do the work. Check #q212525 for more details