rqt won't start
I've tried multiple ways of starting up rqt and each time the, it starts to load and seems to get stuck and so I'm left with a blank box and can't proceed any further.
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I've tried multiple ways of starting up rqt and each time the, it starts to load and seems to get stuck and so I'm left with a blank box and can't proceed any further.
I'm not sure, but if this is a recent Ubuntu version, then it could be that this is just a basic RQT window with no plugins loaded. If you could verify that the menu appears when you hover over the title bar, then you could try loading a plugin.
If this is the case, it's an Ubuntu UI thing.
Yes, thank you, sorry I'm reasonably new to Ubuntu and I forget the menu is along the top. Thank you
Asked: 2018-04-10 05:09:14 -0600
Seen: 2,286 times
Last updated: Apr 10 '18
Can you please add a screenshot of what you see? RQT without any plugins is a "blank window", so that might be perfectly ok.
(note: this is about the only time adding a screenshot makes sense, hence my question)
does that help?
same problem...