rospy publisher hanging when subscriber drops connection because of wifi - is this normal?
I have a visualizer running on a laptop via a wifi connection subscribing to GPS messages. When the wifi is dropped the gps publisher hangs (preventing vehicle control through other subscribers). When the wifi is reestablished the publisher continues where it left off.
Is this normal? - how do ensure the vehicle code runs independently of any wifi based subscribers? Is this rospy specific behavior?
Are you using a topic, or a service?
topics. I have duplicated my issue with the talker listener tutorials. e.g. start both roscpp and rospy talkers (publishing to the same chatter topic), and on a wirelessly connected pc start a (either) listener, drop the connection, and later (~1 minute) the rospy publisher hangs, roscpp still OK.
It might be worth taking this question to ros-users, as it sounds like you might have triggered a real bug. (I was _really_ hoping the answers was services; because services are synchronous, that would explain your problem)