How to install/setup/use navigation stack
I have built a MIT-Racecar which has ROS, ubuntu, Ackermann and VESC. The car can be driven with a teleop who sends out ackermann_msgs/AckermannDriveStamped type messages in ROS. The car also publishes /tf, /odom, hokuyo 2D LiDar related /scan messages, and ZED stereo camera related image and camera message.
I am a little confused about what exactly I need to do next to make it autonomous. After reading the navigation stack tutorial on ROS Wiki, I think I need to do the following:
Install the navigation stack by
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-navigation
- Create a ros package under my MIT-Racecar workspace and setup the config and launch files as described in
- Since I am using Ackermann, I need to install and setup teb_local_planner.
Run the stack with launch file generate in 2 by
Terminal 1: roslaunch my_robot_configuration.launch
Terminal 2: roslaunch move_base.launch
- Use teleop to drive the car around to map the environment I am in (probably need to set some flag when I run the command in 4).
- Run command in 4 in localization mode.
- Set a gaol for the car, and then it will drive there autonomously.
Am I correctly in these steps?
Thank y ou very much.