Delay in JointStates
I am working on ROS Kinetic with Ubuntu 16.04. I am simulating my robot with gazebo and ros-control however the terminal always shows this warning ::
process[coro/joint_controller_spawner-1]: started with pid [21948]
process[robot_state_publisher-2]: started with pid [21949] Loaded
joint_state_controller Started ['joint_state_controller'] successfully
[coro/joint_controller_spawner-1] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/bhoot/.ros/log/54979f64-835c-11e8-8840-a08cfdeabd87/coro-joint_controller_spawner-1*.log
1531129330.670413 seconds old.
[ WARN] [1531129358.795952825]: Received JointState is 1531129333.605810 seconds old.
[ WARN] [1531129368.805861605]: Received JointState is 1531129336.583829 seconds old.
[ WARN] [1531129378.812465284]: Received JointState is 1531129339.550438 seconds old.
[ WARN] [1531129388.815334092]: Received JointState is 1531129342.521295 seconds old.
My yaml files and launch files are attached :
I tried changing the rate of jpint values publisher, but no use. Any idea what I am missing ??
Please don't use images for text. Images are not searchable and people cannot copy and paste them. Please update your question with a copy and paste of the your files instead of using images.
I am having the same issue, did you solve it.
Yeah I solved it, using use_sim_time=true in gazebo_world.launch file