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generating monocular data-set from a camera

asked 2018-07-13 11:20:43 -0500

ujur gravatar image

updated 2019-01-19 08:09:54 -0500

I am implementing ORB_SLAM2 library for monocular camera. I am using ROS Lunar to process my own sequences. I want to ask that what is the best way to generate the data set from the given camera? I have implemented some of the data set like TUM, KITTI, EuROC, I want to create my own.... I can record the video from the USB camera and now want to create a dataset out of it to process using SLAM2

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there is also somewhat related question with the python scripts provided on the following link. I sont know the command to implement it.

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Update: Well, using bag files could be one possibility. I have already tried several other things.

I have problems running node from camera

see the following link section 7 Running Monocular Node

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when I run the following command I get a black window but no live camera. It also says waiting for images

rosrun ORB_SLAM2 Mono /home/ujjval/ORB_SLAM2/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt /home/ujjval/ORB_SLAM2/Examples/Monocular/TUM1.yaml

I also created a issue on github

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I have added your update to your original question, you should only answer your own question if you are actually answering it.

PeteBlackerThe3rd gravatar image PeteBlackerThe3rd  ( 2019-01-19 08:10:29 -0500 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2019-01-19 08:15:45 -0500

The instructions you refer to in section 7 of the ORB SLAM page are just about setting up ORB SLAM to work with an existing topic, it doesn't setup a camera node to publish live data to the topic, you have to do that separately.

The node is saying it's waiting for messages for this reason, none are being published.

Depending on your camera you'll have to start a camera driver ROS node and possibly remap its topic to /camera/image_raw which ORB SLAM expects. You'll probably want one of the standard USB or V4L camera nodes such as usb_cam or uvc_camera

Hope this helps.

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answered 2018-07-13 18:04:50 -0500

nkhedekar gravatar image

The simplest solution is to record the data being published into a bag file using rosbag

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Asked: 2018-07-13 11:20:43 -0500

Seen: 1,257 times

Last updated: Jan 19 '19