Run slam without robot.
Hi I want to run slam as robot but I don't have any robot now. I just only have lidar sensor. So I want to make a virtual map and run slam in a virtual map by moving virtual robot like this.
And I want to visualize point cloud data in rviz. My point cloud data is like this. Can I visualize these point cloud data in rviz? or Can I create bag file by these point cloud data?
17.187 0.017 0.790 0.00
17.180 0.071 0.790 0.00
17.176 0.125 0.790 0.00
17.180 0.179 0.790 0.00
17.091 0.232 0.787 0.11
16.021 0.291 0.751 0.21
16.026 0.341 0.751 0.68
Can you clarify the format of the file? What does each column represent?
If your file has:
1) the ranges or x/y coordinates of the scan from your lidar in the sensor's frame 2) a time stamp for each reading (I suppose that's not "technically" a requirement) 3) some odometry estimate ...
the you can just write anode that reads the file and publishes things to the correct topics (e.g. /scan, /odom, /tf, etc)