The differences between dependency tags
I am new to Robotic Operating System, so this can be fundamental question. When I was investigating dependency tags of package.xml
file of my newly-created package, I faced two dependency tags that I could not resolve.
According to the researches that I made, if a file from the package A is required to build our newly-created package, then package A is specified in the dependency tags like this: <build_depend> A </build_depend>
. This sounds senseful. However, I could not find out following dependency tags:
<build_export_depend> </build_export_depend>
<exec_depend> </exec_depend>
When I created my package, I used the following command:
catkin_create_pkg beginner_tutorials std_msgs rospy roscpp
These three packages are also specified in two tags mentioned above. Is there anyone who knows what these dependency tags mean ?