Amcl navigation using turtlebot [transformation error ]
I created a grid map using a turtlebot and after I wanted to navigate in that map I used the navigation stack Amcl but after I run it using the turtlebot navigation package I am getting this errors in transformations could someone tell me what is wrong here ?
I am using ros kinetic and I do have a real turtlebot
Can you provide your launch files and the amcl configuration please ? (and detail the commands you run)
It is solved the problem was with the laser scanner. I am converting 3d points cloud to laserscanner and I forget to remap the topic but now it is working well. Thanks
Can you answer your own question detailling what you did and mark it has correct ? Since questions related to transformation errors are (very) recurent that could help future people encountering this kind if issue to find your solution more easily.