Minimum requirements for ROS Network Setup for multiple machines.
I am currently working on a Teleoperation robot using ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04. I am having problems with setting up ROS across two computers in my uni's WPA2 enterprise network. I have been able to connect my two computers using my own router using and .
I have contacted my uni's IT department and they have agreed to help setup a special network for my project. But need more information on the minimum network requirements for ROS to function while maintaining a secure network.
According to the documentation the following are requirements:
1.There must be complete, bi-directional connectivity between all pairs of machines, on all ports. The IT department said all ports was a nonstarter for security reasons and asked if there is a range of ports that will work ?
2.Each machine must advertise itself by a name that all other machines can resolve. Does this mean every machine must have a static IP address?
3.I'm assuming there is a firewall in the network, does that mean I have to have a VPN as well??
Any information or tips will help. Also please excuse my ignorance towards networks, I do not have too much experience.