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Linking problems between two packages

asked 2012-04-11 02:44:26 -0500

Aslund gravatar image

updated 2012-04-11 04:56:28 -0500

joq gravatar image

Hey everyone

I have a very strange problem. I am working on creating an interface to a Katana arm by Neuronics. There have already been made one here, but it is way to bloated and user defined for my purpose. So what I did was to extract the core package for the katana arm. This is actually just a ROS wrapper to the original interface API created by Neuronics. What the wrapper does is compiling the API and setup export paths in the manifest file:

    <cpp cflags="-I${prefix}/KNI_4.3.0/include" lflags="-Wl,-rpath,${prefix}/KNI_4.3.0/lib/linux -L${prefix}/KNI_4.3.0/lib/linux
     -lKNIBase -lKinematics -lKNI_InvKin -lKNI_LM"/>

Afterwards I created my own package which included the katana API wrapper package in its manifest file. This gave me seamlessly access to the API's include file and everything compiled nicely until today. Not matter what I try will the linking of my interface e.g. return the following error:

/home/aslund/Dropbox/MasterProject/kni/KNI_4.3.0/include/KNI_LM/lmBase.h:73: undefined reference to `CikBase::~CikBase()'
/home/aslund/Dropbox/MasterProject/kni/KNI_4.3.0/include/KNI_LM/lmBase.h:73: undefined reference to `CikBase::~CikBase()'
/home/aslund/Dropbox/MasterProject/kni/KNI_4.3.0/include/KNI_LM/lmBase.h:73: undefined reference to `CikBase::~CikBase()'

I have tried so many things, but what worked a few days ago seems to lead to nothing now. I have tried making everything from scratch, but with the same result. Another point to make is that I am running ROS Fuerte with the newest updates. Could it be these updates that causes the error or is there a totally different reason why linking the wrapper to my interface fails?


Sebastian Aslund

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1 Answer

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answered 2012-04-11 04:56:02 -0500

joq gravatar image

There are many build changes in Fuerte, and problems like this crop up from time to time. That is why it is still in Beta test, not fully released.

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Asked: 2012-04-11 02:44:26 -0500

Seen: 334 times

Last updated: Apr 11 '12