ROS2 max domain ID
I was experimenting with the environment variable ROS_DOMAIN_ID
In several places in the ROS2 tutorials, it is suggested to set it to a value in the range 0-100.
Moreover I found this issue on FastRTPS, where they specify a limit of 232
That limit is also present in the Opensplice and Connext documentations.
However with FastRTPS, differently from the other DDS, I am able to use way bigger values.
The only limit I got is the one of the unsigned long
which is used by RCL to store this environment variable.
OpenSplice and Connext throw a runtime error when I use a value higher than 232.
FastRTPS allows me to communicate with a different machine under the same network using much bigger values.
What is going on? Is there a sort of overflow which causes me to use the same ports that I would use with a much lower domain id ?
Thank you