RTK GPS Localization in known static map
Hey guys,
I just have a few question based on localization and mapping with an RTK GPS setup for outdoor navigation.
I'm running a setup with RTK GPS positioning and heading, i use a dual kalman filter setup of the robot_localization package to produce an odom (wheel odometry + imu + gps heading) and map (wheel odometry + imu + gps heading + gps position) frame, Now my questions are:
Can i localize my robot in a provided static map (say using map_server) using only RTK GPS (no amcl), i understand the navsat_transform_node i am using provides a transform for the map->odom frame (and implicitly map->base_link) and in conjuction with the utm transform i can localize the robot in the world, but upon initialization how does the robot know where to start in a given map (map and odom frame at t=0 start at the robot's origin), would i need to apply some sort of offset to the static map based on the robot's gps position on start, if so how?
Is is possible to manually build a static map offline instead of using a real-time mapping algorithm such as SLAM. For example by grabbing a satellite image of the target field and building a map image based on some grid with a resolution and then coloring (as per value interpretation standards of the map_server package) the respective free, unknown and occupied space?.