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ROS base - rviz

asked 2012-04-18 02:16:39 -0500

Janina gravatar image

Can I install/start rviz, when I only have installed ROS base (Ubunto 10.04, electric)?

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4 Answers

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answered 2012-04-18 02:28:10 -0500

michikarg gravatar image

You should install the ROS visualization stack if you want to use RVIZ:

sudo apt-get install ros-electric-visualization

You could basically also checkout RVIZ source and manually install all dependencies but i think you really should NOT do this...

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answered 2012-04-18 02:57:57 -0500

michikarg gravatar image

updated 2012-04-18 02:58:08 -0500

This problem might be caused by Ogre or OpenGL. You can check:

for Troubleshooting (especially section 3.4 might be of interest for you).

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answered 2012-04-18 03:04:29 -0500

Janina gravatar image

Thank you!! It works.

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answered 2012-04-18 02:39:22 -0500

Janina gravatar image

updated 2012-04-18 02:40:08 -0500

Thank you!

I install this stack, but when I like to start rviz with "rosrun rviz rviz" I get following information:

INFO [1334752437.645123296]: rviz revision number 1.6.7 INFO [1334752437.645302342]: ogre_tools revision number 1.6.2 INFO [1334752437.645396558]: compiled against OGRE version 1.7.3 (Cthugha) INFO [1334752437.714417048]: Loading general config from [/home/janina/.rviz/config] INFO [1334752437.714674451]: Loading display config from [/home/janina/.rviz/display_config] INFO [1334752437.757203727]: RTT Preferred Mode is PBuffer. INFO [1334752437.953380257]: Texture for pass 0: creating with size 1 x 1 Segmentation fault

Why do not start rviz?

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Asked: 2012-04-18 02:16:39 -0500

Seen: 1,026 times

Last updated: Apr 18 '12