sw2urdf v1.5 won't activate in SW2018
Using Solidworks 2018, 64-bit, Windows 10, following the instructions here: http://wiki.ros.org/sw_urdf_exporter to install v1.5 of the exporter, SW2URDF does not activate. Steps: Go into the add-ins menu, and check the "active" and "start up" boxes, and click "OK". The exporter fails to activate. Afterwards, going back into the add-ins menu shows that "active" has become unchecked. What could be blocking the sw2urdf add-in from starting?
I'm also having this issue.
OK, thanks for confirming that this is more than a one-off issue. We have tried uninstall/re-install and still have the same issue. Unfortunately, we don't know anything about how Solidworks plug-ins work, so I am not sure where to begin debugging. I suppose it could be something like a Windows virus-blocker silently getting in the way, which could explain why not everyone sees it.
Past the permission issue but stuck on the object reference crash. It appears to me that the message: "Object reference not set to in instance of an object." is a generic Windows scripting error message. (I may be wrong here, as I do little Windows development.) In any case, I am thinking that this message could come from a number of causes that all end up in the "null reference" category. So... maybe something changed in recent service packs of Solidworks such that the sw2urdf script doesn't fetch something any more? Is there some setting missing in the SW model that we may have overlooked?
i also face with same problem..