Based on the sources from attached link, you should looking for hints in error message.
Failed to load library
Make sure that you are calling the
library code, and that names are
consistent between this macro and your
XML. Error string: Could not load
library (Poco exception =
undefined symbol:
First of all, we know that we have poroblems with library which should be located in the /home/shantengfei/catkin_ws/devel/lib// path --- but, it looks good
The library code contains PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS
macro and names are consistent between this macro and XML --- Ok
Let's check the last sentence with undefined symbol: _ZN19joint_value_monitor11joint_value4loadERKN4rviz6ConfigE
, so we should check if we have implemented this function. If we can't deduce function name from _ZN19joint_value_monitor11joint_value4loadERKN4rviz6ConfigE
, we can call:
<$:~$ c++filt _ZN19joint_value_monitor11joint_value4loadERKN4rviz6ConfigE
where output will be
joint_value_monitor::joint_value::load(rviz::Config const&)
So the problem is lack of joint_value_monitor::joint_value::load(rviz::Config const&)