What is the best way to get depth values from kinect?
I have installed ros with the kinect drivers in ubuntu and have it all up and running.i'm new to ros.
What I am ultimately trying to achieve is this: extract the distance in millimetres of a particular point in an RGB image. So what ever the kinect sees in front of it I want to be able to get the depth values out of it. i'm not sure which topic I need to use and
I had a look at:
depth/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image) Raw image from device. Contains uint16 depths in mm.
But this seems to return each pixel as a max value of 256 and not a u16bit int when viewing the topic by running rostopic echo /camera/depth/image_raw ... how do I convert this depth into millimetres? is the the best one to use at all? or should I use something else?
If you want to extract depth values from an RGB image, you'd probably want to use a registered depth image, i.e. one in which the Depth values are aligned with RGB values. So try using: camera/depth_registered/image