[SVO] Get pose for a long time
I'm using the SVO package. I already calibrated my bottom camera (using the Pinhole model, with the specs of camera_calibration modified to be in the format expected) and modified my .launch file so it gets the images from the output of the image_proc (i.e, grayscale and rectified), but it's very difficult to obtain the pose of the camera over a long period of time.
This is my .launch file:
<node pkg="svo_ros" type="vo" name="svo" clear_params="true" output="screen">
<!-- Camera topic to subscribe to -->
<param name="cam_topic" value="/ardrone/bottom/image_rect" type="str" />
<!-- Camera calibration file -->
<rosparam file="$(find svo_ros)/param/ardrone_bottom.yaml" />
<!-- Default parameter settings: choose between vo_fast and vo_accurate -->
<rosparam file="$(find svo_ros)/param/vo_fast.yaml" />
and this is how I use the image_proc package:
ROS_NAMESPACE=/ardrone/bottom rosrun image_proc image_proc
rosnode info svo
gives this output:
Node [/svo]
* /rosout [rosgraph_msgs/Log]
* /svo/dense_input [svo_msgs/DenseInput]
* /svo/image [sensor_msgs/Image]
* /svo/image/compressed [sensor_msgs/CompressedImage]
* /svo/image/compressed/parameter_descriptions [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription]
* /svo/image/compressed/parameter_updates [dynamic_reconfigure/Config]
* /svo/image/compressedDepth [sensor_msgs/CompressedImage]
* /svo/image/compressedDepth/parameter_descriptions [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription]
* /svo/image/compressedDepth/parameter_updates [dynamic_reconfigure/Config]
* /svo/image/theora [theora_image_transport/Packet]
* /svo/image/theora/parameter_descriptions [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription]
* /svo/image/theora/parameter_updates [dynamic_reconfigure/Config]
* /svo/info [svo_msgs/Info]
* /svo/keyframes [visualization_msgs/Marker]
* /svo/points [visualization_msgs/Marker]
* /svo/pose [geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped]
* /tf [tf2_msgs/TFMessage]
* /ardrone/bottom/image_rect [sensor_msgs/Image]
* /svo/remote_key [unknown type]
* /svo/get_loggers
* /svo/image/compressed/set_parameters
* /svo/image/compressedDepth/set_parameters
* /svo/image/theora/set_parameters
* /svo/set_logger_level
contacting node http://juan:34907/ ...
Pid: 19891
* topic: /rosout
* to: /rosout
* direction: outbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /tf
* to: /rqt_gui_py_node_20048
* direction: outbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /ardrone/bottom/image_rect
* to: /ardrone/bottom/image_proc (http://juan:40291/)
* direction: inbound
* transport: TCPROS
When I run roslaunch svo_ros live.launch
this is the output:
... logging to /home/juan/.ros/log/1b6a94be-ab2c-11e9-84b5-68ecc55d6600/roslaunch-juan-19873.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://juan:45331/
* /svo/
* /rosdistro: kinetic
* /rosversion: 1.12.14
* /svo/cam_cx: 254.861406985
* /svo/cam_cy: 132.774654931
* /svo/cam_d0: 0.0254329004542
* /svo/cam_d1: 0.00484972274251
* /svo/cam_d2: -0.00316468715909
* /svo/cam_d3: -0.0168351839378
* /svo/cam_fx: 724.628466389
* /svo/cam_fy: 722.57992602
* /svo/cam_height: 360
* /svo/cam_model: Pinhole
* /svo/cam_topic: /ardrone/bottom/i...
* /svo/cam_width: 640
* /svo/grid_size: 30
* /svo/loba_num_iter: 0
* /svo/max_n_kfs: 10
svo (svo_ros/vo)
process[svo-1]: started with pid [19891]
create vo_node
[ WARN] [1563654227.665696970]: Cannot find value for parameter: svo/publish_img_pyr_level, assigning default: 0
[ WARN] [1563654227.666169164]: Cannot find value for parameter: svo/publish_every_nth_img, assigning default: 1
[ WARN] [1563654227.666518905]: Cannot find value for parameter: svo/publish_every_nth_dense_input, assigning default: 1
[ WARN] [1563654227.667630230]: Cannot find value for parameter: svo/publish_world_in_cam_frame, assigning default: 1
[ WARN] [1563654227.668068619]: Cannot find value for parameter: svo ...