rosserial_windows program Error
Im new to ros. Im following the hello world tutorial for rosserial_windows. Im using melodic and ubuntu 18.04.02 on one computer and windows 10 on another.
I cannot get my visual studio program to build. I keep getting the errors below.
E0020 Identifier "_TCHAR" is undefined.
C2061 Syntax error: idenfifier '_TCHAR'
Line of code where the error occurred: int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
E0144 a value of type "const char *" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "char *"
C2440 'initalizing': cannot convert from 'const char [19]' to 'char *'
Line of code where the error occurred: char* ros_master = "";
Also, from the tutorial im told to assign the IP of the ros master to the variable above char * ros_master = ... (in visual studio on windows 10). How do i find the ros master IP? Is it the computer IP and then port number? Please be specific. Thank you!