unable to change logging level in rxloggerlevel
Hi I recently installed fuerte and have been having problems with stopping all the DEBUG logging message from slowing packages such as stage to a crawl. I have tried changing the logging level using rxloggerlevel in rxconsole but this package freezes because it too prints out DEBUG messages. I also tried using the set_logger_level service call for both stage and rxconsole but the it comes back with
calum0@ubuntu:/opt/ros/fuerte/share/rosconsole/cmake$ rosservice call /stageros/set_logger_level stage WARN ERROR: Unable to communicate with service [/stageros/set_logger_level], address [rosrpc://ubuntu:48262]
I tried to follow the direction at http://www.ros.org/wiki/rosconsole to make my own configuration file and set the logging levels that way but this hasn't worked. I set the ROSCONSOLE_CONFIG_FILE environment path variable to a config.pc file containing
This might not have worked due to a strange message I'm receiving every time I run roscore.
log4cxx: Could not read configuration file [/opt/ros/fuerte/config/rosconsole.config].
Any help is greatly appreciated.