How to visualize /camera/depth/points without using rviz?
Following this tutorial in the Use ROS there is a tutorial of how to visualize a point cloud, doing that I execute this commands:
$ roscore
$ rosrun openni_camera openni_node
$ rosrun pcl_ros convert_pointcloud_to_image input:=/camera/depth/points output:=/camera/depth/cloud_image
but i get the following error:
[ERROR] [1336450343.870410678]: Error in converting cloud to image message: No rgb field!!
This doesn't happen when I run this instead of my last line:
$ rosrun pcl_ros convert_pointcloud_to_image input:=/camera/rgb/points output:=/camera/depth/cloud_image
I get no error and I do can visualize my image with:
$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/rgb/cloud_image
It show this image
I can realize that command only accept point clouds from the rgb camera, but how can I visualize the depth images? (without using rviz)
P.S. I'm using ROS Electric, in Ubuntu 11.04
You get no output at all?
Sorry, it's fixed now
Any idea??
We could use some more information. What exact command results in that error? Can you get data from the individual topics in the
rostopic list
usingrostopic hz
or similar? What version of ROS are you using?