Creating flight joystick node with libusb
I'm trying to get standart usb hid joystick values. Actually I already get the data through libusb and standart C compiler in Eclipse (linux platform). But I wanted to integrate it to ROS and make it a node(joystick_publisher). But I failed.
When I try to merge my existing and working usb code and basic node example in ROS tutorials to create a simple node, I got couple of errors that tells me it didn't realize libusb functions. I already set ros dependency in manifest.xml for libusb-dev but I think rosdep is not able to find it. Rosdep not able to find libusb even in command line.
According to your request I can share the necessery data. If there are other ways to do this job it would be appriciated. Thanks for all helps.
Why do you believe that rosdep cannot find libusb-dev? Do you receive errors during compilation? If so, what are they?